Mercer Advisors Inc.


May 2008


April 2013

Realized Investment

Mercer Advisors is a registered investment advisor providing comprehensive financial planning and asset management services to healthcare professionals. The company also has a consulting services division specializing in improving the productivity and business value for dental practices and assisting dental practitioners with the transition and sale of their businesses.

Caltius Structured Capital’s investment supported Lovell Minnick Partners’ acquisition of Mercer Advisors. Lovell Minnick is a private equity firm specializing in the global financial services industry. Caltius’ investment consisted of senior secured notes, senior subordinated notes, and an equity co-investment.

Scottsdale, Arizona

“We are pleased to have Caltius Structured Capital as our financial partner. Caltius was a responsive and flexible institution throughout the transaction process, and we look forward to working with them over the coming years.’

Dave Barton, President, Mercer Advisors

Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License, where applicable.